Report from USA Our litter girl - MAJOR tit. Just Winter Story Ares Samarkan ( our Black Scottish Gin x our Celtic Carpediem Samarkan) was piloted by Danielle Frykman 2 x BEST OF BREED & 2x BEST OF OPPOSITE WINS our heart bounces with joy !!! many thanks to everyone who contributes to this success and especially the owner Gail Godding for home, love and care Enjoying that kennel ARES SAMARKAN puppies won't get lost anywhere in the world. We are so proud.
JUST WINTER STORY Áres Šamarkan - Gail posílá další skvělé zprávy z Ameriky.
Big thank you Gail. Saturday at the Combined Specialty, Story finished her Championship in just a few shows.
RWB at the Mid Atlantic Specialty
RWB Gordon Setter National Specialty WB
North Country Specialty WB,
BOS Land O'Lakes in St PaulThe Combined WB,
Best of Winners for a 5 pt major.
This would have never been possible if it wasn't for Danielle Frykman. She taught her to be a show dog. I was able to see her show in St Paul. Story literally took my breath away. Danielle's impeccable grooming, attention for detail and the loving kindness she showed my girl warmed my heart and made me so proud to see the two of them together in the ring I also want to thank Ali Apollos for her kindness and all the times she took her back into the breed ring. All the work they put into Story was simply amazing!! There are not enough words to express my gratitude. The Czech Princess.
Leden 2022
Opět naprosto úžasná a skvělá zpráva z Ameriky. Náše JUST WINTER STORY Áres Šamarkan dnes získala další vítězství a další body na americké vyhlášené show. Dcera naší Celtic Carpediem a našeho Black Scottish Gin. Jsme tolik pyšní a moc děkujeme majitelce Gail Godding a děkujeme úžasné psovodce Danielle Frykman, velké díky.
září 2019
REserve Winner Bitch´s - Just Winter Story Ares Samarkan
Absolutně dokonalá zpráva z Ameriky pro naši chovatelskou stanici Ares Samarkan díky všem, kteří se na tak významných úspěších podílejí.
Danielle Frykman píše:
Our Czech Republic princess made us so proud for her first show in the states with competition by going RWB at the Mid Atlantic Specialty before the national. She is Just Winter Story Ares Samarkan owned and very loved by Gail Godding. Thank you Gail for allowing me to be at the end of the princesses lead. Bred by Marta Ščudlová Foto-Photography and Sarka Scudlova