z Ameriky opět fantastické zprávy naše dívka STORY
Majitelka Gail napsala o Just Winter Story Áres Šamarkan:
We have the official Award of Merit photo of Story. How honored I am to own this sweet, happy and wonderful girl. I can't thank Danielle Frykman enough for all that she has done for her. To see them together in the ring as the wonderful duo that they are brings me so much joy. She always looks impeccable. It is like they are one in a dance. My heart just sings. Thank you Danielle for believing in her.This win is dedicated to you Marta Ščudlová Foto-Photography. Thank you for allowing her to come here to the states. She is such a blessing to own.
Moc nás toto srdečné a vřelé psaní potěšilo. Děkujeme za všechnu péči, kterou jí Gail a Daniela dávají.